Paladin Defense Services is proud to be an exclusive vendor for Emergent Biosolutions RSDL© (Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion Kit)
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About RSDL® (Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion Kit)
RSDL® is an FDA-cleared device consisting of a lotion impregnated sponge in an easy-to-open packet. Decontamination occurs by physical removal of the chemical warfare agent from the skin or by chemical neutralization. The RSDL kit was initially developed by Defence Research and Development Canada, an agency of the Canadian Department of National Defence, to prepare the Canadian forces for chemical warfare attacks. The U.S. Department of Defense became interested in RSDL and the military then filed with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA issued 510(k) clearance for RSDL in November 2002. The European CE Mark, Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration and Israeli Ministry of Health approvals were later issued. The RSDL kit has been adopted by numerous militaries around the world with over 15 million packets of RSDL sold in over 30 countries.